How to find clients and grow your business

In Kovačnica we are very honored to have a new tenant in our coworking who has agreed to share his knowledge. We are always opened for new business opportunities and enjoy connecting with global experts :).

This is a free but intense workshop for all startups, innovators, entrepreneurs and SMEs in Kranj and surrounding areas.

It is a 1.5 hour very interactive and practical session where you will leave with useful tools and ideas for you to use immediately to generate leads for your business or business idea based on what we learned from observing and supporting SMEs in over 83 countries.

Please note the workshop will be in English. Please bring a good sense of humor 🙂 and your phones. 

About the speaker:

York Zucchi is a Swiss born investor and entrepreneur in Africa since 2007. He was previously at Goldman Sachs where he contributed towards the global financial meltdown. He has started numerous businesses (healthcare, IT tourism, academia, etc); some failed and some succeeded. He is the co-founder of the SME Movement, a global initiative to strengthen the SME support ecosystem and which currently supports SMEs in over 83 countries.

He ran over 350 workshops and hundreds of speaking engagements across the world to ca. 60.000 attendees over the years. Worked with government, corporates, incubators, funds and SMEs across the world, trying to strengthen the SME support ecosystem.

You can apply for this workshop on Eventbrite.


See you in Kovačnica! 🙂

Delavnica je sofinancirana s pomočjo Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj, Ministrstva za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo ter SPIRIT Slovenija, javna agencija.

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